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Sunday, 5 March 2017

Venus Retrograde

Venus represents divine feminine and divine Love. In Astrology, Venus has dual rulership over Libra and Taurus. Venus rules Love in all its facets; especially our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasure we take in life. Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by Venus. Through Venus, we learn about our tastes, pleasures, artistic inclinations, and what makes us happy on a deep soul level. 


Venus retrograde astronomy speaking is an optical illusion, where the planet appears to be going backwards from our perspective here on earth. So what implications does this phenomena have on an energetic level you may ask?

I've found the most clear, concise break down of what VENUS RETROGRADE implies for us from a fanatasic instagram Post. I honestly couldn't have worded it better myself and I simply had to share, so here it goes....

 "Venus retrograde is asking us to live in our authenticity to embody our true essence. Integrating spirit and matter, heaven and earth..with the bridge being the heart.
The rise of the goddess is happening now.

Venus retrograde is one of the most significant astrological transits. This is because Venus retrograde is quite rare and only happens once every 18 months.

Venus is also the celestial body in charge of your heart center and your gut. Because of this, Venus retrogrades are often deeply healing and help to awaken your heart to a new understanding of Divine love.

As the ruler of the Divine Feminine, Venus has an important role in our lives. It is Venus that aligns our heart and teaches us how to love. It is Venus that helps remove blockages and barriers from around the heart so we may experience the bliss of unconditional and Divine love.

In each of us we carry a Universal wisdom. This Universal wisdom allows our body to heal and look after itself. This Universal wisdom allows our heart to beat, our eyes to blink and our skin to heal when we cut ourselves.

 We don’t need to tell our body to do these things, the body just knows. The body has its own wisdom and the more we can connect with this, the deeper our relationship with ourselves will be.

 When Venus goes retrograde it is a time to heal the wounds of your heart, to let go of past lovers and relationships, to let go of past hurts and blockages, and to open yourself to a deeper love.

Venus retrograde is also a time to tap into your intuition and to really listen and follow through on your gut feelings. Venus is all about the link between the heart and the gut and this is a powerful energy center we all possess. ~Tanaaz" Repost @lotus_light_goddess11 (be sure to check this insta feed out)


-Venus enters the shadow period: 30th January (26 degrees of Pisces)

-Venus goes retrograde: 4th March (13 degrees of Aries)

-Venus goes direct: Sunday 15th April (26 degrees of Pisces)

-Venus is out of the ‘retrograde zone’ by 20th May 2017

A useful exercise might be to note if there were any notable occurrences over these periods. What did you learn? What felt amazing? What wounds of your heart have you managed to heal? Was there anything your intuition led you to let go of? What has your intuition led you to discover? Have you worked Venus retrograde to its best possibilities! #justwrite #justpickupanotepad
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