This week may have been Mental Health Awareness Week
but why not have a
Mental Halth Awareness Month?
Mental health is one of the most common unrecognized health issues we face and many suffer in silence. I thought it would be great timing to present 31 journal prompts dedicated to mental health and well being for the month of May. Especially as it perfectly exampled the journalling technique I was discussing this week with my Just Pick Up A Notepad Group.
What Was This Method?
The Journalling method of monitoring an area or areas of your life by outlining 31 topics to cover over a month. A method I originally learnt from Kathleen Adams book Journal to the Self. Within the book, this method is called 'Topics Du Jour' a journal technique originally designed to meet the needs of business executives who were "too busy to stay on top of everything."
The concept is simple all you have to do is:
- Number down a page from 1 to 31.
- Write next to each number one are of your personal or professional life you would like to monitor.It doesn't matter what order you place your topics or whether you have a theme or not.
- Each day look at the topic that corresponds with the date. for example if today is the 4th of the month, find number 4 on your list. If today was the 26th find the number 26 and so forth.
- Use the headline of your topic as a prompt or springboard to journal on. What's happening this area of your personal or professional life? What action can you take in this area?
So here we have it '31 Journal Prompts For May Mental Health Awareness' I hope you find them useful throughout the Month of May, enjoy!
1.What are five things that help you feel better when things are difficult?
2.When things seem tough, I want to remember _________
3.Write about one thing that you look forward to every day.
4.What are three things you can do today to enhance your mental well being?
5.On scale of 1-10 my mental health is __because _______
6.What are the signs my mental health is declining?
7. List 5 reasons not to give up.
8. Right now I am being challenged by _________
9.When I feel _________I usually _________but I am going to start _________.10. Do your emotions get in the way of you fulfilling life? If so How?
11.List the times when you felt truly loved.
12.What/Who has animpact on your emotions?
13. What has been a strong emotion felt recently?
14. List three things that made you happy today?
15.Describe the last time you had fun that made you smile.
16.Write down activities you could do to feel more relaxed.
17.Write about something that you forgive yourself for
18.Build a list of 15 songs that can help change your mood.
19.Write about something you need to let go of and surrender to God.
20.How can I make myself feel safe?
21.List 10 things you love about yourself.
22. Describe a time in your life when you failed. What did you learn from it?
23.What are three of the biggest lessons you’ve learned from having (anxiety, depression, etc.)
24. Choose one thing that triggers anxiety or depression, and then write about a few ways that you can combat this trigger
25.What patterns about yourself need attention.
26.Write about a difficult time in your life and how you overcame it
27.Make List of people you are grateful for.
28.Write a letter to your biggest supporter (you don’t have to give it to them)
29.Make List of things you sometimes struggle to be grateful for.
30. Describe why your grateful for an opportunity received.
31.List 10 things your grateful for today.
22. Describe a time in your life when you failed. What did you learn from it?
23.What are three of the biggest lessons you’ve learned from having (anxiety, depression, etc.)
24. Choose one thing that triggers anxiety or depression, and then write about a few ways that you can combat this trigger
25.What patterns about yourself need attention.
26.Write about a difficult time in your life and how you overcame it
27.Make List of people you are grateful for.
28.Write a letter to your biggest supporter (you don’t have to give it to them)
29.Make List of things you sometimes struggle to be grateful for.
30. Describe why your grateful for an opportunity received.
31.List 10 things your grateful for today.
This blog forms part of a blog series that’s In conjunction with my #WhyWriteWednesday Facebook Live discussions and tutorials 8pm (GMT) on the reasons why journaling is beneficial.
Within my group I share journalling techniques that can be used to either begin your journaling journey or take your journalling up a gear. Group member's also have access to Free journalling templates and tools within the Groups Files section.
Join The Group If this sounds appealing you are more than welcome to join our community. |