Start your journey to self so you can live a life filled with passion and purpose.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Leo Full Moon 31/01/18

Today's full moon lands in the wonderful fiery sign of Leo!! 

Full Moon phases generally represent completion and are all about fulfilment and just as the Moon reaches her peak, so to can our visions and manifestations.

Today we have not just a Full Moon but a Lunar Eclipse as well which will amplify the energy we would normally experience during this phase. 

Eclipses are about big changes and often signal endings as well as new beginnings, which makes them a great time to simultaneously release and manifest in a big way. 

This full moon is happening in the firey sign of Leo, which is all about our true identity, creativity and self-expression. 
Leo is also the sign of love and passion (for both life and others) and our need to live life to the fullest will probably feel very strong. Under this energy we are very likely to want to step up and be the person we are meant to be. 

The question is can we find courageous side of Leo enough to step into our true fullness. 

Writing Challenge 

Where are you not honouring your own needs? 

Where are you not showing up as your true authentic self? 

Are you following your heart enough or are you mainly being led by logic? 

Could you be more courageous or is there more of a need to think things through before pouncing into action? 

#justwrite #justpickupanotepad

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